15 October 2011

Hooters Halloween Costume Contest

Once again, I'm part of the national Hooters Halloween Costume Contest on Facebook.  On the line are some awesome cash prizes that would certainly help out a busy MBA student - specifically this busy MBA student.

I'd really appreciate you taking the time to vote ONCE A DAY from your Facebook account.  Heck, maybe you have two Facebook friends, maybe you have 2,136 friends, maybe you're a computer genius who knows a great way to get me lots and tons of votes.  I love all of those things!


All you have to do is like Hooters and then you can proclaim your love for Sauce each and every day!

And because I love you, this year I'll actually post a picture - all parts included - here on the blog.  Maybe it will entice you to vote.  Or whatever.

I made this.  It's because I have no social life.


  1. vote cast. Good luck, Sauce! Your outfit is quite fetching!

  2. As a female reader all the way from Scotland I just thought I'd leave my first ever comment just to say you look absolutely fantastic.

    I wish I had an ounce of your creativity (and those abs! Working on that though...)

    Really enjoyed your blog from day one and still do. Keep doing what you do.

    R xoxo

  3. Not only did I vote for ya but I am making my husband and son do the same. I am soooo not winning mom of the year but hope you do win!



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