19 April 2011

I'm Good at Excuses Among Other Things

Sunday was our swimsuit contest and with it came a very busy week for me.  Not I that was even competing.  Unlike last year, I decided against competing in the swimsuit contest.  Ironically I am in even better shape now than last year, but decided it just wasn’t something I felt like doing this time around.  There are a few very good reasons for this, but given the growth of this blog – and readership by some people who might like total honesty on this subject – I can’t really elaborate on them.  I’ll just say it’s all very political and leave it at that.

Even though I wasn’t in the contest it still ruled my life last week because somehow I was roped into being MC and hosting the whole event.  And let me tell you that required an awful lot of planning.  So really I was host and party planner and really unprepared to do either.  The responsibility fell into my lap and I had no choice but to get shit done.

Naturally this means that the contest was pretty awesome because I seem to build my life on overachieving.  I had games and funny things to say and sweet giveaways.  I even hear I was better than the two radio DJs who hosted the last two years.  That’s right, hosting is their job and I was better.  Go figure.  Sauce goes above and beyond once again.

All this really is one big excuse as to why I haven’t posted in a week.  I apologize.  I promise to post lots in the next few days.

Oh and my article for the June/July issue of Hooters Magazine was due last week too.  There, another excuse.  By the way, did you pick up my last one (April/May if you're keeping up here)?  It’s probably the best one yet.  Read it.

1 comment:

  1. I kinda got roped into something at work myself the last day or so. Nothing as elaborate as what you had to do but still a PITA. Hopefully it'll result in a little something extra from the boss, though. Anyways, I'm sure you were smashing!



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