29 May 2011

Horny on Life

Aren't we all?
The other day I had a guest describe Hooters in a way I'd never even begun to contemplate.  His reaction to the Hooters experience was simple and crazy and original and strange and totally great.

"You know what Hooters does?  It makes people horny on life."

It was one of those statements you don't exactly know how to respond to.  It catches you off guard just enough that regular reaction time goes completely out the window and you find yourself somewhat awkwardly contemplative as you attempt to formulate a response.  He must have sensed my state of being and explained himself.

"Well it's like when you leave Hooters you're just totally happy in every sense of the word.  You're belly is full of delicious fried food.  You've had a couple of huge beers to wash it all down.  Plus you got to do all of that hanging around chicks who aren't just hot, but also happen to be cool as shit.  It just makes you feel really good about the world.  It's horny on life."

And as weird as it seemed, it summed it all up pretty well.

So go to Hooters and get horny on life.


  1. Heh. Funny thing is I know exactly what he's talking about. Aren't many places like that.

  2. A few years ago I remember hearing a great quote about life..."If you're not growing, you're dying." Thanks for the reminder to live life "full on".

    Yours In Health!

    G.E. Moon II



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